Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday - Game 5 (and Food!)

Tonight's game was crucial, It was all I could do to eat copious amounts of food today.

I started with a banana. Then I ate a tub of Watermelon. I have received a lot of questions about the new packaging for Albertson's watermelon, so here it is:

I just wanted to eat stuff today. I tried to keep it low in 'bad', if not volume. Next up was 5 ounces of Turkey Breast, roll-up style with mustard.

I used the turkey as a Mustard Delivery Device, and this is pretty special mustard. It is Maille Dijon Mustard. This stuff is really good. It was named Grand Champion of the 2013 Mustard Competition held by the National Mustard Museum. You can read about the victory by clicking ===> here.

After that, I downed a container of Strawberries.

Still not content, I went to Boston Market with Lydia. I had three bowls of soup (no photos), and Lydia had a more traditional chicken with two side dishes. She makes her blog debut today.

I was finally feeling full, but I managed to pack some more Watermelon into my body.

Later, I had another bowl of Watermelon and Some Frozen (Green) Grapes during the game. The green ones are not as good as the red grapes, but they were on sale.

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