Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Lunch - Vara Restaurante

My friend Alex met me for lunch today and we went to one of my favorites - Vara Restaurante in Chorrillos.

They are a cebicheria, and they're really good at it. I didn't get cebiche today, but I did OK.

Every table gets some cancha (toasted corn kernels) with the sauces when the people are seated. Alex and I finished the bowl shown, and they brough more. We ate half of that.

I ordered two dishes. The first was a Parihuela.

This is a mixed seafood soup that I get almost everywhere I go. Crab, Calamari, Shrimp, Mussels, Scallops and a whole fish filet (on the bottom) filled this delicious bowl. They had to stop me from eating the bowl that it came in.

My second dish was the Rocoto Relleno

A 'rocoto' is a pepper. This one was a little spicy (they come in flavors up to BURN THE SKIN OFF OF YOUR LIPS), and is stuffed with cut up pieces of beef (not ground beef). It is topped with cheese and is servied in the bowl with potatoes and a creamy sauce of some sort. They had put the rocoto on their Facebook page a while back, and it had been on my must-eat list for a while.

Alex ordered Octopus with avocado in some sauce that I didn't get the name of. He ate the whole thing, so I guess it was OK. His second course was a piece of grilled swordfish (pez espada) topped with toasted garlic. It had some potatoes on the side.

I am 100% certain that his fish dish tasted good because I had a bite of both is fish and his potatoes.

Here's Paola. It was good to see her again, and even better that she remembered me!

Here's one of Alex with his Octopus:

And for those of you worried that I will go hungry tonight... I have a reservation at a (hopefully) really good restaurant.

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