Tuesday, January 2, 2018

LIMA DAY 14: Last Two Meals for this Trip

Sunday, December 24, 2017
Trying out the panorama feature on my camera
Christmas Eve. This is the big day in these Latin countries; lots of places were closed.

But some weren't. Late morning, I was heading for this Coffee Shop that Lonnise and I had found on my last trip, but on the way, I saw that Sofa Cafe was open, so I had the driver leave me off there.

I enjoyed a Meal there a few years back. I hadn't had a chance to return since, but only because of all the other places to try in Lima.

Not only were they open; they had Large Coffee Cups. I ordered that and a Lomo Saltado Sandwich.
The Sandwich was excellent. And the Coffee was Large. I was a happy camper.

A few hours later, I walked down to El Veridico de Fidel.
It is only a block from my apartment. I had never been there, and wasn't even sure what kind of Food they served. It turns out that they are a Cevicheria. And they were open.

It was my last day, so of course I wanted to order everything on the Menu. In a fit of sanity, I limited myself to just a Parihuela.
That's a Seafood Soup, with a Tomato-based Broth, filled with Shrimp, Calamari, Snails, Mussels, a Crab, and an entire Fish (I had a choice of a whole Fish or a Filet). It was really good.
I was hoping to still be hungry and order more stuff, but no. That was it.

Since it was my last night, and Christmas Eve, I walked around Miraflores for a while. The Mass was full, so I missed that, but I did get to see a really big Nativity Scene.
That fence in front is four feet tall
My flight was early in the morning. I went home, finished packing and was up by 4 am to go to the airport.

I had a good time this trip. Thanks for following along with my Meals. I hope everyone had a happy holiday, and has a Healthy 2018. My next trip is in March... see you then!