Sunday, March 10, 2013


At Cafe La Maquina, Carmen and I stopped in for drinks. They had finger food, and the waitress really wanted me to order the taquenos. Maybe she liked them; I wasn't impressed. The good news: It only took me three to realize that I didn't like them.
Some things are the same everywhere.


  1. Hey man, as i took some time to look over what you have eaten so far, i couldn't help but think of how lucky of a son of a gun you are. Hahaha just kidding. The food looks absolutely delicious. I can tell you stuck to your word of dumping the diet. I am glad you're enjoying your trip.

  2. Dumping the Diet...... I didn't know you were on a Diet!

  3. Those were Sergio's words; not mine.

    I have a food plan that I can live with for a lifetime!


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