Friday, March 8, 2013

Need to improve my Espanol

Breakfast this morning is frozen grapes and two mini bananas that I picked up yesterday in the supermarket. The grapes are sweet and delicious, but I need to learn how to say, "Seedless grapes, please" in Spanish.


  1. Uvas sin semillas por favor. Hey guy, I loves this blogspot thingy. Keep the food suggestions coming. I will be there in about 6 weeks to start my own gastronomic journey.

  2. Thanks, Jason. For both the Spanish and the props.

    Yuri at work clued me in on the 'sin semillas' ... turned out that I *did* know that, just couldn't remember. One of the street cart guys told me that was all there was right now, but he might have meant 'on his cart.' I will hit a mercado to investigate this morning.

    Don't worry, there will still be plenty of food here when I'm done. Saludos and love to Patricia.


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