Friday, August 15, 2014

Lima Day 1: Walk Before You Run

Jueves, 14 Agosto

I didn't eat anything last night, except for the small plate of Chicken and Potatoes and Green Beans that they gave us on the plane.

The plane was a little late, and my bags were absolutely last, and 87 flights all arrived at the same time, and and and. I was tired when I went home, caught up on some work, and went to sleep.

So I was hungry when I woke up. I walked around a little and bought some stuff and brought it back to the apartment. I started with plate #1.

I bought these at a bodega on the street. On the top, there's what we would call a Chicken Salad Sandwich, and below were two Empanadas - one Chicken and one Meat. They were a little Cake-ier than the ones I normally buy, so I ate the insides.

Then I went on to plate #2.

This came from the Metro Supermarket. It's a Pork Tamale and two Rolls for Tamale Sandwiches. I nuked the Tamale and opened it up.

I cut it in half and made two Sandwiches. I used the Tari Crema de Aji that I like so much. Here's one fo the Sandwiches.

I only ate half of the second Sandwich.

Somehow, I neglected to eat anything again until Cinthya came over late in the afternoon. At 6:00 pm, we found ourselves (after a bit of searching) at Cebicheria El Pez-On, right near the apartment.

We started with an order of Grilled Octopus to start.

Like a real Octopus, it had eight legs... four for each of us.

For our Main Courses, we both had Cebiches.

Mine was on top, and it had Fish and Mushrooms (I like Mushrooms), and it was in a Red Pepper-based Sauce, but was not spicy. Cinthya's was regular Fish Cebiche. We both finished our plates.

Cinthya had to leave for work, and I ran into Javier and we spent a couple of hours together, catching up. We forst went to Casino Fiesta where the dealer had nothing but 20s and 21s, so we got out quickly, but not before I had some Chifles (Banana Chips).

After we split up (we have plans for tomorrow), I stopped in the Metro Supermarket and got two pieces of Quiche.

One was Ham & Cheese, and the other was Spinach and Chicken. I didn't taste any Chicken.

Last, I had a Frozen Banana before going to bed. Trust me, Friday will be an exciting day.

Here's my steps.

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