Thursday, March 16, 2017

LIMA DAY 7: Astrid & Gaston. Featuring Astrid. And the Chocolate Bomb!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

This never gets old... Ladies & Gentlemen: The Chocolate Bomb.

You can watch the video down below.

Apparently, it was a Chocolate day. I ran to the supermarket between phone calls in the morning and bought some stuff at the Bakery.

The Sausage-like things are kind of like Slim Jims. I had the Brownie, the thing with the balls on it (I got tricked again; I had it once before and it isn't a great as it looks) and one package of the Sausages along with the Coffee.

Later, I met Ed for Lunch at Rustica. It's a chain of... I don't know... diners (maybe??) located all over the country. The kind of place you would take the kids after a soccer game, or to get a quick bite before a movie. Something like that. And it is air conditioned.

I started off with a frozen Chicha Morada. That's the drink that is very popular with Ceviche, but in this case, full of ice.

Ed loves himself a nice menu. He ordered two different appetizers - Mini Empanadas and Wontons filled with something I don't remember, along with his Pork Chop. I was saving myself for Dinner, so I just ordered a portion of Anticuchos -- Marinaded and Grilled Beef Hearts.

My Anticuchos were OK, not great. I only had two French Fries. Ed polished off his Pork Chop, and just tasted his appetizers. The doorman in my building makes out like a bandit when I am in town!

A little later, back in the apartment, I had a Tamale that I had also picked up at the supermarket.

Dely, Ed and I met at a casino so we could get our donation out of the way before our 8:30 dinner reservation. We headed over to Astrid & Gaston and got there right on time.

Astrid & Gaston was started by, well, Astrid and Gaston. They're married, and he is the face of Peruvian Cuisine, He is often seriously mentioned during Presidential election time. Astrid was/is in charge of Desserts; Gaston handles the rest, along with his Worldwide Restaurant Empire. I've been a satisfied customer for ten years now. They are currently listed as number 30 on the Worlds Best Restaurant list, and for my money, they are better -- and more fun to be at -- than Central Restaurante, where we ate last Saturday. Everyone at A & G knows that your meal is IMPORTANT, but they aren't acting like you are at the King's Palace or anything... people there actually smile and laugh.

They start you off with some delicious and beautiful Bread and Spreads.

We all tried to figure out what the Brown Stuff on one of the Butters was. None of came up witht he correct answer, which was: Burnt Tomato Skins.

For our Appetizers, Dely ordered a salad of Erizo and Soba Noodles, and Ed & I split a Main Course of Cochinillo (Baby Pig).

Dely cleaned her plate, and so did Ed & I. Mostly me, though.

Astrid happened to be in the restaurant tonight, and she stopped by everyone's table to visit and take photos.

I had one of her and Ed, but I guess it is on Ed's camera, because I can't find it.

For our Main Courses, Dely ordered a Ceviche, and Ed & I split the Lomo Saltado for two. We also got a plate of Rice and Seafood to share.

I know I say this a lot, but everything was super fabulous. The Steak Dish was superb, and it wasn't as fantastic as the Seafood and Rice. Dely loved her Ceviche, and the one piece she let me try was excellent.

Before we ordered Dessert, I chatted a little more with Astrid about the Chocolate Bomb. We discussed the different fillings that they have used over the years, sometimes for holidays, sometimes seasonal, whatever. She was extremely proud of  the current configuration.

If you want to see what was inside the Bomb, watch the video. If you are reading this in your email, go to the web site. It's a minute long, and worth every second.

We ate what we could and waddled out of there full and happy.

Astrid & Gaston is also expensive, but you get great food, great service, and absolutely ZERO pretension. It was less than half the price of what we spent in Central the other day. No trip to South America would be complete without a visit there.

That was it. I'd call Day 7 a win.

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