Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Chocolate Bomb at Astrid y Gaston

The Chocolate Bomb is so special, it gets its own Blog Post.

Astrid y Gaston is the 14th Best Restaurant in the world, according to the internet. The Internet is never wrong, so there you are.

Astrid y Gaston is two Restaurants... the first is the room with the Tasting Menu - you get 30-something different little things, one more amazing than the next. The other option is the 'Bar.'

No, it's not a Bar, but that's what they call it. You order off the menu, and it's fabulous.

Both menus change a few times a year, with one exception: The Chocolate Bomb. I was lucky enough to eat in the current space prior to its official opening date, and the bomb was there then. It's been on the menu ever since, and I've been wanting and wanting and wanting. Yesterday was the day.

For your viewing pleasure, the Chocolate Bomb:

We were watching her make it, and they already have the shell (White Chocolate, yo), and then she puts all kinds of stuff in there. There was a lot of smoke (literally -- dry ice is involved), and two people doting over it. It's a production.

Then it is on your table, and they wait patiently while you take pictures and then they break it open for you.
We were too excited to take pictures once it was open. It doesn't appear to be all that in the video, but it is all that, and more.

Aside from a ball of Vanilla Ice Cream, you had all that delicious White Chocolate shell, a ton of (apparently) frozen Whipped Cream -- frozen by the dry ice, Shredded Coconut, Nuts, some dried Fruit or something, Brownies, some Balls of something we couldn't figure out, and some random deliciousness.

It was easily enough for four people, and we actually left over half of it. And all for $17. In the 14th best restaurant IN THE WORLD. Dessert for $4.25 per person, if there's four of you. Or $17 per person, if you don't share. There was more than $17 worth of stuff in there, and it took two people ten minutes to put it together, not counting however they made the shell.

The Chocolate Bomb. Or, in Spanish, Bomba de Chocolate.

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