Friday, December 25, 2015

Lima Day 13: Sausage, Pork and... Hard Rock

Tuesday, December 22

We had a hotel Breakfast this morning. Pretty un-Peruvian, but nothing compared to what was to come later.

I had a Ham, Egg, and Cheese Sandwich with a Bowl of Fruit on the side. Sandra had the same, without the Eggs.

Decidedly unexciting.

Lunch, however, was very exciting. In my Internet nosing around, I discovered a place called La Cilindrada de Pedrito. If their website was to be believed, they grill all these different meats and sell them to you -- all you need is money.

So, finding it was a little adventure. It is in a neighborhood that I'm not in all that often, so I took a bus to get close, and explored the dozen blocks or so between the bus station and the restaurant. Go figure -- I discovered a bunch of new places to eat and shop, and now I have a new place that I want to live ;)

The restaurant is in what appears to be a Garage. There are tables inside, and it opens up to an outside area for the grills.

Anyway, it's all true -- they grill pretty much anything. I took a couple of pictures; this isn't a tourist place, so they weren't as charmed by my camerawork as some restaurants.

There were more grills going, but they wanted me to sit down.

As to what we ate, we each had a Sausage, we split a Grilled Plantain, and we ordered a quarter Chicken, some Pork, and a half a Duck.

By 'we,' I meant that Sandra had a Sausage, a taste of the Plantain, and the Chicken. I had the rest; it's not like I was going to share my Duck.

It was all really good except, sadly, the Duck. It was drier than I prefer, but maybe that's what happens when they grill it. Regardless, I will return.

For Dinner, Sandra really, really wanted to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. There's one in Lima, and she's fascinated with the concept.

This one is in the Jockey Plaza Mall, which is probably the most upscale mall in the country. It was packed with Christmas shoppers, and we killed an hour walking around. This being Peru, there was not only a Food Court, but a separate level that was the, er, Restaurant Court... there's plenty of places to eat there.

Well, the Hard Rock menu is the same all over the world, so you know what our choices were. I needed to emotionally prepare for my return to the USA, so I had the Red, White and Blue Burger. Sandra ordered the Chicken Wings.

It was, well, Hard Rock Food. Of course, seeing how these were made by Peruvian chefs, it was top-notch Hard Rock Food, but still Hard Rock Food.

That was it for the day. One full day left.

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