Saturday, December 26, 2015

Lima Days 14/15: Last Day(s) - And the Bomb!

Wednesday, December 23

Before we get to my Meals, here's a ready-to-cook Pig at the Supermarket.

They had a bunch of stuff all prepped for Christmas Meals.

I started the morning with the same Hotel Breakfast as yesterday.

I know that it is free, but I really should pass on anything but the coffee when I stay in a hotel in Lima. Everything else I could buy is a zillion times better.

Alex and I were having Lunch later, so I bought a bag of Chifles on the street to tide me over.

We drive to Chorrillos to re-visit El Marati. I knew that Alex would get a kick out of the Octopus.

In the name of more photo opportunities, I passed on the Octopus (Alex ordered that), and I had the Parihuela (Seafood Soup) and a Tacu Tacu Norteno.

Alex really loved the Pulpo (no surprise there). My Soup was excellent, and the Tacu Tacu, which is a Rice & Bean Patty, topped with (in this case) Mixed Seafood in some kind of Sauce, and then Extra-Topped with a Fish Filet, was really great. I polished off the Soup, and ate half of the Tacu Tacu. My doorman fully appreciated the other half when I got back to the apartment.

When we left the restaurant, we decided that "there is always room for a Cremolada." Luckily, there was a Cremolada stand right outside the restaurant.

Cremoladas are like Slurpees, only much, much better. And they come in all kinds of Fruit Flavors. And they cost less than a Dollar. Alex and I both chose Lucuma for our Desserts.

Lucuma is a local Fruit that they use for a lot of different things here in Peru.

Amazingly, I wasn't hungry for the rest of the day. Sandra came over at around 8:00, and I bundled her into a taxi and we headed back to Astrid y Gaston, this time, just for Dessert.

I explained to the hostess what we wanted, offered to sit at the bar, but she put us at a table front and center. I had the same waitress from the other day, and we ordered Coffee and... The Chocolate Bomb. She smiled, remembering that I really wanted the Bomb last week, but I was alone and passed. I explained that I brought help with me this time.

The Bomb arrives.

It was a Chocolate colored shell this time, and they explained that -- for the holiday -- it was filled with things that you would normally find in a Panneton - dried Fruits and stuff like that.

As an added bonus, they saw my joy and let me do the Breaking of the Bomb.

It was wonderfully wonderful, and Sandra and I put away about half of it. Me, more than her.

That was a pretty fitting finale to this Lima trip.

Thursday, December 24

My flight was at 10:00 am on Thursday, so I was at the airport early and stopped for Breakfast at the airport branch of Cafeladeria 4d. They are a -- I use this term a lot, and there has to be a better one -- small chain of Diners in Lima. I had a final Peruvian Breakfast.

I had a Cafe con Leche, a Tamale Sandwich, and an Empanada filled with Chicken and Mushrooms.

That was it for the trip. I passed on the food on the airplane, and got home in time for Christmas.

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