Friday, December 14, 2018

LIMA DAY 2: Just A Walk in the Park

Deisi and Bertha get to do this every day. It's a wonder that they don't weigh 300 pounds each.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

I met up with Deisi and Bertha to go shopping for the books that we will be giving out at the Kids' Christmas Party on Saturday. But first, a much more important Order of Business: Lunch.

When Bertha and her husband bought their apartment, they had the good sense to know that there was a park just around the corner that would be having a Feria (small pop-up Food Court/Farmers Market) when I would be stopping by. This one had some different booths, featuring Chocolates, Vegetables, Organic Quinoa, Coffees and that sort of stuff. But they also had booths featuring Ceviche, Causas, and Chancho al Palo. We decided that we couldn't decide, and got some of everything.

Ceviche is fresh Fish marinated in Lime Juice. It's worth clicking through to the web page to see the video. She squeezes Limes into the bowl with the Fish, adds a little spice, and puts it on a plate. The Causa is two layers of mashed Yellow Potatoes, this time filled with a mix of Vegetables and Chicken. And the Chancho al Palo is Pork that is spread out on a frame, then Grilled, hacked into chunks, and served.

As if that wasn't enough, there was a booth with Chirimoya Ice Cream. It's a local Fruit.

OK, after that, we decided NOT to go take a nap and headed to the Amazonas Book  Market.

I'm not sure where it is - the taxi driver knew, and when I asked Bertha what it was near, she told me, "It's not near anything." But yet, there it was, in all it's one-square block glory.

It's pretty big, and they have a mix of booths with new and used books. If I lived here, I would wind up spending a bunch of time and money at this joint. There was something for everyone to read, and the prices were great. We wound up buying 140 children's books for the party  (all new) for the Peruvian money equivalent of $179. We got more books for just about the same amount of money that we spent last year.

I was pretty full for the rest of the day, but around 9 pm, I had a Caldo de Gallina.

This is an extra large bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup. It's a common dish around here, and it is always a favorite. And pretty filling.

That was it for the day other than the Rice Pudding (Arroz con Leche) that they gave out at the Casino.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, Rich!

    I have to try that Chirimoya Ice cream. And the Chirilucuma ice cream.



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