Monday, August 14, 2017

LIMA DAYS 2 & 3: More Octopus; More Duck

Saturday, August 12, 2017

So I ate too much on Saturday. I thought that I broke myself. It was only Octopus -- who could it hurt?
Portrait of an Octopus as Part of My Dinner

It was Saturday morning, so I went out for Coffee. I wound up at 1972 Coffee, one of the zillion Coffee Shops in town.

After that, I walked over to the weekend pop-up Food Court, and had a Rocoto Relleno (Stuffed Pepper).

Since I was at the Mercado, I bought about a pound of Aguaymanto -- it's a local Fruit that's both good, and (supposedly) Good for You. I ate them when I got back to the apartment.

You may remember that I mentioned that there is a Coffee Shop right next door to my apartment. Well, on the other side of my front door is a Bakery. I was clearly out of control, so I went there next.

I didn't get all that, but I did get a Chocolate Thing.

If all that wasn't enough, I had a reservation at Panchita for Dinner. I love that place.

Apparently, I now also have a personal waiter, Carlos. We have a symbiotic relationship: He brings me food, and I overtip him.

They trot out the Bread and Sauces. And of course, I started with an Anticucho of Octopus.

Panchita's Bread is one of the few in restaurants that is worth eating. It's as good as the Bread at Runyon's in Coral Springs, if that means anything to you.

For my Main Course, I ordered their Ceviche de Pato.
No, it is not raw Duck in Lime Juice. It is a half of a (cooked) Duck, in a Sauce that is kind of/sort of Ceviche-like in its flavor. Tasty, but hard to define. This was good, but not as good as their classic Rice with Duck.

Not that I had any room at this point, but Carlos didn't even ask and brought me my favorite Dessert: Queso Helado.
It's my favorite for a reason. It's fantastic. It's Ice Cream, but not. It's just some Frozen Tastes of Heaven. I was now ready to explode, and could not finish it.

That was it for the day. I was barely able to waddle home. Good thing the restaurant is near my apartment.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

I woke up shivering and feeling like crap. Obviously, one of the 796276350987 things I ate yesterday did not agree with me.

I stayed near all facilities in my apartment. Later in the day, Bertha called a pharmacy for me and got them to deliver some stomach pills. Between that and whatever I had passing through my system, I was better by the evening.

Instead of leaving the house, I called Pardo's Chicken and had them send over a Grilled Chicken.

I ate half the Chicken without the Skin, nor any of the delicious Sauces that come with it, and slept the rest of the night away uneventfully.

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