Sunday, August 20, 2017

LIMA DAY 9: Good Thing We Found Something to Eat

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Lonnise makes friends wherever she goes. Here she is with Julia and Maria, the Tamale Ladies

For Breakfast, we ventured away from the Coffee Shop next door and went to Cafe Rilke. This place is in a former house, and they have left the library just as it was, so we had our Pre-Breakfast in comfy chairs amidst a ton of books surrounding the room.

After that, we headed to the Mercado in Surquillo #1. We did some shopping, ordered some freshly-made Papaya Juice, hung out with the Tamale Ladies (see photo at the top of this post), some taking in the local color, and we had our actual Breakfast.

Lonnise had an Aji de Gallina (her favorite) from one of the women at the pop-up Food Court, and I had a Pork Sandwich.

She made me promise that we wouldn't eat for two more hours, so we stopped by the house to drop off our bootleg DVDs and other purchases. Then we headed off to Barranco and did some sightseeing.

As we were starting to leave Barranco, we stumbled upon -- you will NEVER believe this -- a Coffee Shop, the Bodega Verde.

It had been two hours and ten minutes since we ate anything, so in we went. It turns out that they don't just have Coffee -- there's a semi-full menu. Lonnise had a 'Hot Brownie' -- a Brownie with Ice Cream, and I had a regular old Brownie with a Coffee Milkshake.

I decided that I liked this place. I will go back; I would even make a special trip to Barranco to go there.

We decided that eight or nine meals would be our limit for the day, so we headed back home to rest up for Dinner.

Dinner was out in La Molina at Nanka. They serve organic Food, but they don't throw it in your face. We met Fernando there; he lives close by.

They started us with Bread while we decided on our Appetizers:

To start, Fernando had Vegetable Soup, Lonnise had a Vietnamese Roll, and I went all out and had a Tuna Steak.

The Main Course selections were Rice & Duck for two (me & Fernando) and Pork Belly for Lonnise.

The three of us polished off everything edible on the table, and still had room for Dessert. Fernando had (fancy) Rice Pudding, I had Chocolate Cake, and Lonnise had the Chocolate Cake and also had them throw in some Chocolate Ice Cream... double Chocolate.

That was it. We didn't explode in the Taxi back to our neighborhood, and I went and kept the blackjack dealers busy all night in the casino.

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