Monday, August 21, 2017

LIMA DAY 10: El Bolivariano (and More)

Sunday, August 20, 2017
Stuffed Pepper, anyone?

Sundays are rough for Coffee fans in Lima. Lots of the regular places are closed. Lonnise and I wandered around Miraflores for a bit. We finally gave up and took a taxi to La Bodega Verde, the place we discovered on Saturday. I was talking to the waitress, and she swore that they were open on Sunday mornings.

Sunday are a special Lunch day around here. Take the regular number of options, and double it. We went to EL Bolivariano in Pueblo Libre. They have a Sunday Buffet Brunch that's great, and we get the added advantage of being the only native English-speakers in the place.

They have everything, starting with Salads, the Ceviches, then various fried Seafood options, then Soups, then mini Stuffed Peppers (photo on the top of today's post), then a whole Roasted Pig, then a bunch of hot dishes, then all kinds of Desserts, including freshly-made Picarones. And they have Anticuchos (Beef Hearts on a Stick) on Demand.

I was pretty excited, so you get a very eclectic group of photos. The last picture is the Dessert tray for the regular menu, not the Buffet. And here's two videos, one of  the Picarones, and one of the Beef Hearts.

That should have been plenty for normal people, but we were not to be denied. Lonnise made a new friend in the afternoon.

Later that night, in the Casino, they insisted on givng us some Chicken & Potato Salad.

After they took all of our money, I decided that life was too short to pass on Dinner, so I talked Lonnise into coming with me to Antica Trattoria in Barranco.

She ordered a Ceasar Salad, thinking it was going to be small  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Me, I had a Pizza with Salmon and Shrimps.

I hear that the salad was good. Once she saw the Pizza, Lonnise offered to help me out. So she had one slice; I wasn't giving up the rest.

And then... that was it for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo many choices at el Bolivariano, including alfajores and fresh picarones!


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