Tuesday, December 19, 2017

LIMA DAYS 6 & 7: Casino Food. Seafood. And Kids' Party

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Today is the day of the Kid's Christmas Party. I will post a few photos here, but you can read all about it on it's own post by CLICKING HERE.

We met early at Bertha's house, got the van loaded, and headed out for Puente Piedra. As we have previously discovered, Bertha is smart, so she brought along a Carrot Cake for the ride.
She sliced it up and everyone had a piece.

The party was a blast. Once word got out about a show (new to this group) and a busload of gifts, kids from all over the neighborhood showed up. The place was packed, it was chaos, and a whole lot of fun!

For the afterparty, Juanita (one of the women in the group who organized the event) invited us to her house for Chicken.
It was good, but I was too tired to be all that hungry.

Later, back home, I took a shower and felt human. I was in the Atlantic City Casino when they were giving out plates for Dinner. That made my decision pretty easy: I had Chicken again.
Oh, and Ice Cream for Dessert.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

My normal weekend routine involves Coffee and reading. Java Boys in Wilton Manors was out of the question, but I did the next best thing and found a tree in Parque Kennedy, near my apartment.
Coffee, an Empanada, and a book... I was good to go.

For Lunch, I took a cab to Chorrillos and got to El Marati before the crowds showed up. This is a neighborhood Cevicheria that you won't find in the guidebooks. It is WAY off the beaten path, on a pretty ugly street, and hard to find. I stumbled upon it by accident one day a few years ago.
Seriously, I may be the only English-speaking customer that they have. Me, and my friends.

There's an indoor seating area, and out back, an outdoor area. That's where I was.
Everything they serve here, along with being cheap and delicious, is a photo opportunity waiting to happen. So -- in the name of journalism -- I ordered three dishes. First up: Shots of Leche de Tigre.
These are four, much larger than 'shots,' of flavored Ceviche Juice. The Red and Yellow are flavored with Rocoto and Ahi Amarillo (red and Yellow Peppers), the Black is Conchas Negras (Black Clams) and the other is your Classic Ceviche. Four distinct, and colorful, flavors.

Next up was an Aguadito de Mariscos (Seafood Soup).
An Aguadito Soup is Cilantro-based. I usually prefer the Parihuela, which is more tomato-based, but I decided to mix it up.

Last, and I never noticed this on their menu before: Grilled Scallops and Clams.
OMG, this was more delicious than it looks. The Clams here in Peru are different than the ones back home (they are on the left in this photo). I liked them, but they aren't for everyone. If you don't like these Scallops, however, you best cash in your plane ticket, because you have no call coming Lima.

I was only able to pick at this dish. My doorman made out like a bandit when I got home.

For Dinner, I was in the Marriott Casino when plates were given out. It must have been Chicken Week, because that's what they had on Sunday.
 That was it for the day.


Comments are very welcome. Click on the picture to read all about my day. Subscribe to the Blog! Just like eating with me, but less calories!