Thursday, December 28, 2017

LIMA DAYS 12 & 13: Still Moving Slow

Friday, December 22, 2017
Where do you put a Seafood Restaurant? Pacific Ocean; At the end of a dock!
Still not feeling 100%, I went to Cafe Rilke for Breakfast.
They are now used to selling me a Jumbo Decaf Latte - tipping an extra dollar or so doesn't hurt. Instead of Breakfast, I ordered a Ham Sandwich. It was as fresh and tasty as it looked.

That kept me for a while. I went to a casino in the afternoon to change some money (they give a better exchange rate than the guys on the street). Just my luck, they were pushing the Ice Cream Cart around.
Fernando is a member of the Club de Regatas of Lima - basically the hotsy-totsy Yacht Club. He doesn't have a yacht, but he does own one two racing sailboats and the club is pretty exclusive. And huge. And nice; I like it.

He picked me up and we headed over. The Seafood Restaurant, Amardelima, was fairly new and fairly good, he said. Good enough for me.
Seafood is mostly eaten (by Peruvians) in the daytime, so it was not very crowded for our meal. I'm not Peruvian, and Fernando is always down for Seafood. We started with a Pre-Appetizer: Four Scallops that were cut up, seasoned and tossed in Oil.
These were much better than they both looked and photographed. The waiter tried to explain what was going on here, but I couldn't really understand him very well.

For our Appetizers, we ordered Ajillo Oriental for me, and a Tiradito for Fernando.
My 'Oriental' Dish was Shrimps and Octopus and some Mushrooms that you would see in an Asian restaurant, stir-fried with a whole lot of Garlic. I can kind of still smell it two days later. For me, the more Garlic, the better. This was excellent. Fernando's dish was sliced raw Fish with very little Sauce/Dressing/Juice/Whatever... sort of a Ceviche with less Juice and the Fish sliced thin, rather than in chunks.

For our Main Courses, I took the waiter's recommendation and ordered the Arroz Negro a Lo Macho. Fernando went for the Lenguado Pachi Kay.

Saturday, December 23

Christmas Eve, eve. I'm trying to feel better. Doing my best. I promise.

When all else fails, go where they love you - Estacion 329. They tried to offer me my regular Breakfast, but I asked for another suggestion. They came out with this:
Yeah, Waffles! With Fruit! And Coffee! Not too shabby.

Full again, I went home, started packing one bag, and napped. I woke up and was a combination of hungry and full, and didn't feel like leaving the house.

The other day, I went to Maido and had a wonderful Asian-based meal. In doing some research for the blog post, I discovered that the Chef from Maido had opened a Sushi restaurant for the masses called Sushi Pop. It turns out that Sushi Pop was nearby, had gotten good reviews, and they delivered.

In what might be described as the stupidest thing I have done in a while, I went on line and ordered a 50-piece assortment of Makis. Ordering was a breeze, and when the girl called to confirm my order, see if I had any special requests, and check for any allergies, she made believe that my Spanish wasn't that bad - a great woman!

One hour and ten minutes later, there was the delivery guy with my Ho Ho Pop assortment.

Yeah, I needed 40 Sushi Rolls like I need a hole in my head. I fought the valiant fight and had one or two of each type, and walked away from the rest of them.

I headed out to San Miguel to see the new Star Wars movie. I had to get there early, because Fandango Peru did not like my US Credit Card. So I bought my ticket, picked my seat, and went across the street to the Blue Moon Casino to kill an hour.

Just my luck, it was Dinnertime. The cart was going around, and you know how I hate to break the servers' hearts.
Even though it looks like a Burrito or Soft Taco, it was a Hard Taco. Not sure how they did that. I was good, and certainly worth free.

By the time I got home from the movie, I was hungry, but it was after midnight, and I just went to sleep.


  1. Looks like 40 pieces of sushi, not 50.

    1. Correct. See... even my math was off.

      Post has been corrected. Thank you for reading!


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