Thursday, December 21, 2017

LIMA DAY 9: You Can Relax, There Was Duck

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
You would think this is for the Holidays, but no! This is just from a random Supermarket
For Breakfast, I headed to Estacion 329, which is right next door to the 'other' apartment that I sometimes rent. They were not only happy to see me, but Andrea, the Barista, doesn't blink an eye and asks me if I want my regular Breakfast. A Coffee Shop! And Tragaluz couldn't get their act together enough to take our Dessert order before the kitchen closed. 😡
My Ham and Cheese Sandwich was - as ever - delicious, and Nico makes a mean Latte.

On the way back, I stopped at a Supermarket to pick up some stuff. Their Coffee Shop had a cute sign:
What could I do? I said "Good Morning, a Coffee Please" and saved a half a dollar!

Apparently, I didn't have Lunch today.

My friend Mel met me for Dinner. We went to Cala Restaurante, which is right on the water.

Here's a Google Maps photo for reference. We were seated on the upper terrace.
We started with Frozen Juices, Bread, and they gave us tiny Tuna Wantons to get our appetites going.
We shared our Dinners. For our Appetizers, we split a Tuna Ceviche and *something* with Scallops.
The Tuna Ceviche... if you like Tuna and you like Ceviche, there you go. Fresh and tasty. In the Scallop Dish, the big white things were Scallops, the little red balls were some sort of Caviar (the Manager tried to explain, but it was in fast Spanish and the waves were crashing), and the shredded stuff was some Horseradish-like Vegetable. It had a little kick, but not too much. The Ice in the middle -- well, it's a fancy Restaurant.

For our Main Courses, We split Rice with Duck and an order of Paiche
Their Rice and Duck is very, very good. Mel had only eaten Duck that had less attention paid to it than what happens in Cala's kitchen, so she was pretty impressed. The Paiche is a large Fish found in the jungles of the Amazon; it's a treat for me. The Fish was good and the thing on the side that looks like a Potato was really a Mashed-up and flavored Plantain Patty (there are plenty of Plantains in the Jungle). It was both surprising and good.

Here's a couple of Google images showing just how big the Paiche is:
Now you know. We both passed on Dessert, and that was it for the day.

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