Wednesday, May 17, 2017

LIMA DAY 11: One Last Trip to Panchita

Monday, May 15, 2017

I had a busy day today, what with shipping boxes and taking my clothes to the cleaners and all. Oh yeah, and packing.

From my apartment window, there's a clear view of La Salsa Sandwich Shop. I hardly every get to go there, what with the mountain of choices in town. I headed over around noon.

That was a Pork Sandwich, along with Fries and a Chicha Morada (Purple Corn Juice). And the combo was a hot $6.

To soften the blow of it being my last night in town, Maria joined me for a trip to Panchita. It's one of her favorite restaurants, too. In a development that shocked absolutely nobody, she was late, so I got to eat almost the entire Octopus On A Stick by myself.

Ask anyone - Panchita has the best Octopus around. I don't think that they have their own Octopus farms, so I guess it is the marinade. But whatever -- it's the best.

For our Main Courses, Maria had the Lomo Saltado, and I had the Swordfish.

I don't cook Swordfish at home -- I just never get it right. So I leave it to the professionals. I assume that the Lomo Saltado was food... I looked over and it was gone.

For Dessert, we split an order of Queso Helado.

That was it. Home to finish packing. I'm off tomorrow early in the morning.

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