Monday, May 15, 2017

LIMA DAY 10: Double Duck Sunday

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day. Just try to get a cup of Coffee somewhere early on Sunday. So I slept in.

When I finally got around to moving, I headed over to the Surquillo Mercado. My first stop was the Tamale Lady. It's a symbiotic relationship; we're both happy to see each other. I wished her a happy Mothers Day.

It turns out that the pop-up Market on the weekends has a guy that sells Coffee. I had a cup, but after the photo was taken. Here's my Rocoto Relleno.

After that, I taxi-ed over to Magdelena, which is apparently the neighborhood I walk around in on Holidays. I was last there on Christmas Eve. I read in the park for a while, and walked over to Los Esteros de Tumbes for Lunch, but it seemed like everyone on Magdelena had the same plan, so I went to one of the random Cevicherias across the street from Los Esteros, El Encanto Norteno.

I had the traditional Friedman three-course Mothers Day Lunch: Tamalito Verde (small green Tamale), Leche de Tigre, and Duck.

That's not the normal Rice with Duck, although there is Rice on the plate, with Duck. This was Pato Guisado, which is (I think) stewed for while. The Duck, and the Sauce, were delicious.

There are not a lot of upscale Sunday night options in Lima, comparatively speaking. One place that is open is Cala Restaurante. They are right on the ocean, and are ostensibly a Cevicheria. But not really, they have a lot of different stuff.

When I say 'right on the ocean,' I'm not kidding. Here's a Google Maps photo of the outside of the place, and then my photo, taken from my table.

I had the traditional Friedman three-course Mothers Day Dinner, which encompasses all three major Food Groups: Land, Sea and Air.

Representing Land, here is Beef Carpaccio:

Excellent. And the Dijon Mustard on top was the first use of a quality Mustard that I can remember here in Peru. They're just not a Mustard-loving people.

From the Sea category, Tuna Ceviche:

Yup, just chunks of raw Tuna, sitting in my plate. The little white thing was the Ceviche Juice to add for yourself. I did, but the Tuna was just perfect. It melted like Butter in my mouth. I will go back and sit at the bar, just for this dish.

Winding up the trio is the designee from the Air, Duck:

The Rice was excellent, and the Duck was very good. It's easy to get picky when you're in a city with hot & cold running Duck. It didn't run fast enough -- I cleaned off the plate.

Evidently, traditional Friedman Mothers Day celebrations don't include Dessert. That was it for the day.


  1. It is "Estofado de Pato" not guiso. You know is always hard to decide ¿Ceviche de Pato?
    ¿Arroz con Pato?
    ¿Estofado de pato?
    ¡All of it in one big plate
    ¡Thanks! XD

    The Moth ;)

    1. OK, thanks.

      The restaurant had a sign that 'Guisado' -- what's the difference between that and 'estofado'?

      I agree - there should be a Piqueo de Pato!


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