Friday, May 11, 2018

LIMA DAYS 0 & 1: Everybody in the Pool! The Food's Fine!

Welcome to Lima! Have a Stuffed Pepper!
Tuesday, May 8, 2108

My flight got in late, so after dropping off my stuff, I headed over to some random 24-hour place in the neighborhood. I'm sure that it has a name, and I am equally sure that it is none of my business.I had a Caldo de Gallina.

This was the deluxe version of their Chicken Noodle Soup. For my $5.60, I got a huge bowl with two pieces of Chicken, Two hard-boiled Eggs, Noodles and excellent Broth. That was all I needed after the flight. On the way home, I picked up a sandwich for Breakfast across the street.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

So when I woke up, it was Breakfast Time. I nuked my Sandwich from the night before for a minute, and voila! Pan Con Chicharron.

This is a Pork Sandwich, with Onions and slices of Sweet Potato. It's a favorite of mine, so it was worth planning ahead.

For Lunch, I took a cab over to La Botica. "La Botica" is what you call a pharmacy around here, and this place used to be a, well, pharmacy.

Now, it's a Taberna - basically a Bar & Grill. Because it is here in Peru, it's got good Food. Because it was a Drug Store, it's pretty small.

I started with a Ceviche, and followed up with a Rocoto Relleno.

The Ceviche was fine. I don't think my palette is sophisticated enough to tell the difference between good and great Ceviche; I just know that I liked it.

I am a big fan of their Stuffed Peppers. Unlike most, it doesn't come with Potato, but it is made with a very 'saucy' filling, which I can't really describe, but it comes with Bread for soaking up the Sauce. I'm a fan.

So Wednesday was Gambling Night. I was going to leave to get Dinner, I swear, but the next thing I knew the servers were coming around with Dinner.

They frown on photos in the casino, so I only took one shot. This was Pork with a side Salad. It was better than the photo looks. In fact, the food at Casino Hacienda is usually on a par with the lower-level restaurants here. And it is free.

Next thing I knew, it was time to go home and go to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. As always, great pics. That rocoto relleno at La Taberna looks pretty good. I'll have to try it.



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