Thursday, May 17, 2018

LIMA DAY 6: Somewhere New (At Least New to Me)

Hello Mr. Causa. You're looking extra-delicious today!
Monday, May 15, 2018

I got a late start, so I just had a Latte at Care Rilke. They have a nice plate that I like for Breakfast, but it was close to Lunch time, so I passed.

I decided that I wanted to try a different Cevicheria for Lunch. I'm not sure just why - I'm perfectly happy with the dozen or so Cevicherias that I know and like. But somewhere new is always fun, and here at least, there's a good chance that any random place will be pretty good.

So I did some research and asked around, and decided to go give Maretazo a try. I took the bus there (it was a straight shot from my apartment and cost 30 cents!). It wasn't all that impressive on the outside, but it was much nicer inside.

I wound up ordering three things: The House Causa, a Leche de Tigre, and a Mixed Seafood Grill.

This Causa (Mashed Yellow Potatoes surrounding some sort of topping or filling) was both topped and filled with what we would call Crab Salad, and garnished with four Fried Shrimp. Causas are always really good, but this one was exceptional and was the best of my three dishes.

Leche de Tigre is basically, a small Ceviche with more Juice than a normal Ceviche would have. They never photograph well. This one had both Fish and some assorted Seafood in it.

Lastly, the Parilla (Mixed Grill) featured Scallops, Shrimps, Octopus  and Calamari.

The Mixed Grill and the Mini-Ceviche were pretty good, but the Causa was outstanding. There's no reason for me not to return to Maretazo, but I probably won't just because there are 4509672309856 equally good other Cevicherias around town.

That kept me full way past Dinnertime, so on the way home from the Casino, I popped into a Supermarket and bought some Salami and a Roll and had a sandwich before falling asleep.
That was it for the day. Here's a cool picture of some Potatoes in the Supermarket.

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