Tuesday, May 29, 2018

LIMA DAY 14: Breakfast, Farewell Breakfast, Lunch, Equator.

Giant Stuffed Llama, anyone? It will set you back $200 at the airport.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Last morning. I got to the airport early, and went to Tanta for Breakfast. Melosa lives near the airport, so she came by to say goodbye.

We ordered Tacu Pobre and a Tamale Verde (me) and Scrambled Eggs (Melosa).
The Tacu Pobre is a Tacu Tacu (Rice & Bean Patty) with a Breaded Steak, Fried Egg, and Sweet Plantains. Apparently, the Scrambled Eggs were good - they were all gone pretty quickly.

Melosa appropriated one of my 'Canes hats and left for work.

I had bought this trip's ticket with points, so I was flying Business Class. When I checked in, instead of the Lounge, they gave me a $20 voucher to use in one of the restaurants near the boarding gate. 

What am I going to do? Pass up a Coupon? I don't think so. So I went to La Nacional and ordered a Farewell Ceviche.

I understand that things cost more at the airport, but if I was forking over $15 for this dish, I would not have been happy. It was free, so I was delighted.

I thought that was it, but after we finally took off, they served Lunch. I had something they called Saltimbocca.

I'm not sure what it really was, but it was better than I had a right to expect on an airplane.

We crossed the equator right after that, so that was it for the trip. Thanks for reading.

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