Friday, March 16, 2018

LIMA DAY 6: Astrid y Gaston

Lean against a tree and read a book... that's how you kill an hour on Vacation
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

For Breakfast, I wandered down to Estacion 329, the Coffee Shop next door to the *other* apartment I rent. They open early enough to accommodate people who want Coffee before work. They don't have Decaf, but I brought them a bag of Beans and asked them to hold onto it for me -- they are very accommodating.

The bad news... they didn't have Waffles today. I love their Waffles. So I had a Ham and Cheese Sandwich with my Latte for Breakfast.

They swore up and down that they will have Waffles for me tomorrow.

To ease the heartbreak of No Waffles, I stopped in Kennedy Park, found just the right tree and sat down and read for an hour.

It was noon buy the time I headed home, so I stopped at a tiny place on my street for Lunch, Tu Chinindro. They have Lunch Specials. It's not very large - here's the inside, plus three more tables:

I had the $4.40 Lunch Special. First a Bowl of Soup and then a Saltado Tu Chinindro.

The Soup was pretty nondescript. The other dish is a Pork stir-fry, like a Lomo Saltado, except Pork. They cook Chicken and Pork in this place in a barrel (it's a thing here), and they make Sandwiches and Plates and Stuff.It's pretty good, and certainly worth the $4.

Ed got into town today, and we started his visit with a bang by going to Astrid y Gaston for Dinner. AyG is a favorite of mine, of Ed's... of everyone. It's one of the top restaurants in the world; just ask the internet.

For some reason, my camera does not do well at this restaurant. It never does the food justice.

The bread selection was, as always, delicious. They explain what they are; I just don't listen. Even the Butter has a backstory.

For our Appetizers, we shared two plates. One was Tortellini and the other was Rice with Scallops.

The Rice and Scallops were perfect. They do a great job with Scallops in Peru. I didn't pay close attention to what the Tortellini was stuffed with, but whatever it was, it was also pretty great. It's hard to see on the photo, but Gaston has always been a fan of foam in his presentations.

For our Main Course, we ordered the Lomo for two.

This is another one where the photo doesn't get the job done. This was chunks of Filet (maybe, or some really good cut of Beef) with Onions, Tomatoes, and Papas Doradas (wonderfully delicious baked and seasoned Potatoes). The sum of this dish was more than the parts - it was wonderful.

We were both too full for Dessert (no Chocolate Bomb!), but we had Cappucinos and they gave us some finger Desserts (again, didn't photograph well).

That was it. We hit the casino after that, and I finally managed to not lose money.


  1. Everything looks delicious.

    No more cats at Park Kennedy?

    1. Of course there are. In fact, I ran into a twin of Ernie here on Friday. It will be in Day 8's Blog post!


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