Thursday, March 15, 2018

LIMA DAY 5: Porks and Ducks

Yeah, Starbucks thinks my name is Roberto. Got a problema with that?
Tuesday, March 13, 2017

I went right home and to sleep after Panchita. I hit the bed and didn't get up until the alarm went off.

And I was hungry. Luckily, there was leftover Pastel de Choclo in the refrigerator, and I have a microwave oven.

I needed some good internet, so I went to Starbucks. They have a high-quality signal, and they think my name is Roberto.

My amiga Lucia works for an Insurance company right across the street from the Starbucks, so I invited her out for Lunch. I let her pick, and she decided on Chinese Food at Madam Tusan.

She said that she wanted some Duck (a girl after my own heart!), and let me do the ordering.

For our Appetizers, we had Shrimp Dumplings and Pork Spring Rolls.
Some people are just naturals at Blog photos

Those were quickly dispensed with, and out came our Main Courses: Pork and Duck!
"You say you want some of MY Duck? Just you try!"

Neither dish was very original; they stuck with the basics. The Pork was stir-fried with Garlic, Red Peppers and Onions. The Duck was roasted (I suppose), then de-boned and cut up into easy-to-eat chunks. Lucia finally allowed me to have a few pieces of the Duck -- it was delicious. The next time I go somewhere with her, I have to explain the whole 50-50 concept lol.

They have very fancy fortune cookies.

We broke them open, read our fortunes, and I walked Lucia back to her office.

Alex picked me up for Dinner. We had no specific plans, and wound up at Pescados Capitales. They are a Cevicheria, one of the few of them that is open at night. Around here, Seafood is for Lunch, and so it shall be. The place is expensive, and there were enough people at tables (mostly Peruvian) to make staying open worthwhile, I suppose.

I had a bowl of Chilcano and a Seafood Mixed Grill. Alex likes Octopus as much as I do (almost as much as Lucia likes Duck) and he ordered some Grilled Octopus.

Chilcano is a Soup made from strong Fish Stock. This one had some Fish floating around, along with Potatoes and Rice. My Seafood Assortment had Shrimps, Octopus and Calamari, along with Potatoes, Carrots and String Beans. Super good. Alex really liked his Octopus; he just didn't like that there wasn't more of it.

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