Tuesday, June 4, 2019

LIMA March 2019: Meal Photos - Part 2 of 4

March 19-23, 2019

I am two trips behind in posts. Here's part two of a four-part photo essay of the Meals that trip:

El Bodegon:

The next day, El Bodegon (again) with Bertha and Deisi:

The next day, Lunch at El Pez Amigo:

Lunch the next day at Los Calamares:

Dinner with Fernando at Merito:

Breakfast the next day at La Mora:

The rest of that day was taken up with Deisi's wedding :)

Any questions? Post them in the comments.


  1. Replies
    1. Mike, I didn't post the last two trips. If I don't get this up now, I will be three behind when I go next week.

      And besides, Mauro told me he likes to look at the pictures - my ramblings just get in the way!


Comments are very welcome. Click on the picture to read all about my day. Subscribe to the Blog! Just like eating with me, but less calories!