Monday, June 3, 2019

LIMA March 2019: Meal Photos - Part 1 of 4

March 17 & 18, 2019

I am two trips behind in posts. Here's part one of a four-part photo essay of the Meals that trip:

Breakfast at La Mora:

Lunch Buffet with Ed at Hotel Los Delfines:

Dinner with Ed & Luis at La Punta in Callo:

Lunch with Ed at a random Bar in Barranco:

Dinner with Ed at Astrid y Gaston:

Any questions? Post them in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, your words make the blog with beautiful descriptions of the food and flavor.


Comments are very welcome. Click on the picture to read all about my day. Subscribe to the Blog! Just like eating with me, but less calories!