Monday, April 2, 2018

LIMA DAY 10: A Little of Everything :)

So if that isn't the most beautiful Strawberries, Heavy Cream and Pastry thing ever, than I don't know what is.
Sunday, March 18, 2018

I woke up Sunday morning, and headed to a different location of Sofa Cafe, this one in San Borja. I knew that their Barranco site had comfy chairs, so I was feeling good about my chance here. I wasn't disappointed.

I ordered a Latte (big cup!) and their Stuffed Waffles.

The Coffee was great, but I think I should leave the American Food to the Americans. Somehow, we are experts at putting an Egg, Ham and Bacon between some Waffles in ways that South Americans could never master.

Since it was Sunday, I found a tree in a park, and read for a while.

Later on in the day, I went for a Sauna and massage. After, I wandered and ate. First stop, diorectly across the street, a Bakery:
So I had a Chocolate Pear Cake - that's Pears between the two white stripes of Cream. And to drink, a Pineapple Cremolada. That's basically a Fruit Slurpee, but made with real Fruit.

After walking a hot four blocks, I next found a random Chinese restaurant, where I had (for some crazy reason), the hottest Bowl of Wonton Soup in history (right in the middle of Summer). You can see the smoke in the Video.

Later, Ed and I met up to gamble, Eat, and gamble. I took him (for his first time) to El Bodegon. This is rapidly becoming a favorite place of mine, and -- sadly for me -- many tourists. There was a glowing article in the New York Times about the place recently, and you will usually hear more of other languages than Spanish, especially at night. For lunch, you get a large local crowd of office workers.

Ed and I split four Dishes:

From the top, we have Rice with Pork, a Mystery Dish (seriously, I am looking at the photo, and I checked their Menu, and I have absolutely no clue what this is), Grilled Octopus, and a Lomo Saltado.

The Rice with Pork was outstanding (I saw it at the table next to me the week before), I am certain the we loved the Mystery Dish, the Octopus was good, but doesn't live up to Panchita's standards, and the Lomo Saltado was excellent. Ed orders this most places, and although it wasn't as good as the one at Fiesta the other night, he said, it was pretty darn good, and half the price.

We were too full for Dessert until we saw some of the things coming out of the Kitchen. I have been there six times now, and have never had room for Dessert. But, troopers that we are, we ordered the Strawberry and Cream thing.

I am sure that it has a name, and it probably isn't Beautiful and Delicious, but it should be.

That was it. After that, off to the casinos to help pump up Peru's economy.

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