Thursday, June 6, 2019

LIMA March 2019: Meal Photos - Part 4 of 4

March 28-30, 2019

I am two trips behind in posts. Here's the last part three a four-part photo essay of the Meals that trip:

Lunch with Bertha at Yo Amo Ferrenefe:

Dinner with Diego at Cala:

Lunch at Cevicheria Richard's

Dinner at Kanete:

Breakfast at San Antonio:

That's it for March.

Any questions? Post them in the comments.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

LIMA March 2019: Meal Photos - Part 3 of 4

March 24-27, 2019

I am two trips behind in posts. Here's part three of a four-part photo essay of the Meals that trip:

Sofa Cafe:

El Verdicio de Fidel:

Dinner at Maketto:

Lunch at Emile Cafe Bistrot in the French School:

Dinner at El Bodegon:

Cappuccino at Fiesta Casino and Lunch with Ed at El Marati in Chorrillos:

Dim Sum with Ed and Alex at Chifa Tom Kong:

Breakfast with Ed at Rosita, The Seafood Lady's booth in the Mercado #2 in Surquillo:


We stopped at a supermarket for Coffee & Cake:

I forgot to mention that we went to the zoo:

Dinner with Ed at Panchita:

Any questions? Post them in the comments.